
WELCOME to Anxiously Single! A Course on Healing Loneliness and Finding Love...with Yourself!

Does the clip above give you anxiety? Yeah me too!

As a single 39 year old woman, I have learned that being alone does not mean I am going to feel lonely all the time. Yes, there are some days that are harder than others, but in completing all of the same exercises that you will be doing in this course, I have found a life filled with abundance, fulfillment, and love!

Single & Lonely

Unchecked loneliness, whether caused by a fear of social activity, a lack of friends or a recently ended relationship, can easily lead to depression and anxiety. You may be feeling overwhelmed if you're newly single or struggling to engage in a social life.

A concrete plan and a new mindset can help you combat your loneliness and find meaning in your life, whether you want to date again or remain single.

When a Relationship Ends

One of the best things you can do for yourself when you are overwhelmed by a broken relationship is to take some time for yourself. This course is all about how to help you focus on the essentials of true happiness and how to use this time to improve yourself.

It's time to take action and focus your free time doing what you love. During this necessary grieving process, it is important to surround yourself with supportive friends and family...AND TAKE ACTION to create a life that you can learn to love...by yourself!

...and remember that just because you were in a relationship doesn't mean that you weren't lonely. There is nothing worse than feeling alone in a relationship.


It's time to learn to love yourself alone & step outside of your comfort zone!

Head to the next lesson to learn more about the signs of loneliness & complete your first Lonely No More Exercise!

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